Miss Eu這個名字對有些人或許陌生,但年紀輕輕的Miss Eu已經參與過多場電子派對演出,並正與多位DJ及音樂製作人合作推出Miss Eu的創作單曲
You may not be familiar with the name Miss Eu but the young diva has participated in various Electronica parties. Miss Eu is currently working with DJs and music producers on her new single. Miss Eu,這個名字或許對有些人會感到陌生.但如果你是個電子派對嗜好者,你或許早已在大大小小的電子派對中見過Miss Eu的芳蹤.年紀輕輕的Miss Eu不但與國內數位專業DJ及音樂製作人合作,並已於數場電子派對中與DJ搭擋演出,包含紅樓河岸留言的女人國Lez’s Meeting派對, Deluxe的Love Ball派對,Glow01激光派對系列,Flow-X極光派對....等.熱愛舞台與表演的Miss Eu此刻更展現創作才華,親自為自己的音樂作品填詞,或許不久的將來你就能見到Miss Eu最新創作,這位年輕小女生將帶給你完全不同的電子音樂感受. You may not be familiar with the name Miss Eu, but if you are a party-lover, you might have seen her at numerous Electronica parties. This young diva is not only working with various professional DJs and music producers, but is also teaming up with DJs to perform in various Electronica parties including “Lez’s Meeting” at the Redhouse, “Love Ball” at Deluxe, “Glow01 series”, “Flow-X” party, etc. Miss Eu’s passion for music takes her further than just being a vocalist, she is also writing lyrics for her songs. Perhaps you will hear her new single in the near future ‘cause this young lady is definitely gonna rock your Electronica music experience!
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